Fall-Winter 2023-24 - The HuPerson Project

Fall-Winter 2023-24 Video Collection

The Future Has Already Reimagined You

Currently, as a leader in business, you might be seeing headlines about re-imagining the future. We often speak of being able to ‘reinvent’ the future, and what we are saying here is that an incoming complexity is already underway from the future. If we choose, we can align with what is incoming, which is not predetermined. Are you ready to ready yourself to be reimagined by the future?

Explore Micro-Collections
One · 8:19 min video
Business as Usual In The 21st Century
It’s Friday morning, and Alice, CEO, is confronted by a challenge she didn’t see coming.
It’s Friday morning, and Alice, CEO, is confronted by a challenge she didn’t see coming.


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