Offers for today’s leaders

An executive leader in today’s world, whether present to it or not, lives at the intersection of all contradiction. We’re already encountering complex, wicked problems, working at the pace of exponential change. Stepping into unknown territory with the need for new maps.

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Select CEO Roundtable

What would it mean to stand at the intersection of all contradictions from a place of spacious awareness and a higher, more inclusive view? Join us in a complementary exploration that moves thinking past polarities towards an understanding of ‘next’ that can ignite new movement in your business and life.

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A NEW WORKSHOP SERIES Jul 16 - Sep 3, 2024

Choosing Destiny

Do you know what ignites you? Why it ignites you and what it's for? Are you working on what matters to you? And why that's important now? Are you contributing at the level you are called to, or meant to? Are you ready to say this is mine to do?

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Experience awake aware design Jul 19 - 20, 2024

Introduction to Executive Design

We’ll explore how to move into a new space of knowing that begins with an inquiry, asking questions that show the importance of knowing why we are here for. Related questions such as, What does that call you to? Who does that call you to become?

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