Imagine the future differently. Let’s design your leadership together. You can chart your company’s course in a powerful new way, enhance your business’s value, and become a changemaker.
We Are An Executive Design House
With The HuPerson Project you can change the way business does business in a fundamental way. The HuPerson Project presents an alternative, an executive customized design for CEOs and their teams. We are dedicated to co-designing a profitable enterprise with you, while helping you become a powerful remedy the world needs today.
New Offers
At The HuPerson Project, we’re pioneering a new way to move from design thinking into design awareness. Join us in developing a deeper awareness to innovate, find clarity, and discover surprising ways to enhance the bottom line, while being the remedy the world is seeking today. How do you build the company’s mission while deploying it? How do you navigate the sea of unexpected, exponential change, both for your business and our world? Design awareness is key.

Presencing the Femina
There is growing recognition that bringing more women into leadership roles leads to better decision-making and improved company performance. The data supports it, but what does this truly mean on a deeper level?
For CEOs
Introduction to Executive Design
Explore leading from a place of awake aware wisdom and participate in an inquiry that will uplevel your ability to co-create with your team, life and the future that wants to happen.
For CEOs
Select CEO Roundtable
What would it mean to stand at the intersection of all contradictions from a place of spacious awareness and a higher, more inclusive view? Join us in a complementary exploration that moves thinking past polarities towards an understanding of ‘next’ that can ignite new movement in your business and life.
For CEOs
Executive Destiny Roundtable
With all of the possible directions you could go in, how do you connect with the direction that will lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life? Join us for a complimentary session to explore the possibility of choosing your destiny.
The Future Has Already Reimagined You
Currently, as a leader in business, you might be seeing headlines about re-imagining the future. We often speak of being able to ‘reinvent’ the future, and what we are saying here is that an incoming complexity is already underway from the future. If we choose, we can align with what is incoming, which is not predetermined. Are you ready to ready yourself to be reimagined by the future?
Published WorkA New Way Of Knowing
Look through a new lens at the business of business. Informative and provocative white papers, insights, and press releases.

The Shape of a Destiny Team
Shaping a team culture around destiny conversations anchors a sense of meaning that many are looking for. When you know why you are here, what you are here to do and who you are here to become, in an unfolding way, it becomes easier to be a team player. There is now breathing room and […]

Inquiring into Inquiry: What is dynamic inquiry?
Many of us imagine that we understand inquiry. After all, we make about 35,000 choices per day, many of which are linked to asking ourselves questions. Yet is that inquiry? In this paper we explore the way dynamic inquiry can advance the vision of your company in surprising ways. SHORT TERM INQUIRY Business leaders are […]

Meaningfulness: The Heart Of Ethical Leadership
Regenerative leadership is crucial for our times. We know the challenges: the planet is struggling. Sustainability, useful as a first step, is no longer adequate in our approach to our planet or our businesses. In fact, most of the solutions being put forward are not up to the complexity of the problems. Fortunately, by increasing […]

Stop Chasing Flow State. You Need To Develop Awareness To Get To the Next Level
For leaders to work at a higher level means building out a set of practices—an awareness skill set.

How Leaders Need To Reinvent Leadership
Change is something we experience often. We adapt, we adjust, we re-think. Yet to reinvent? That requires a skill set many of us are not comfortable with, a skill set necessarily based in awareness. When we develop awareness as leaders, we see the demands of our company differently. This difference is the key to new […]

Destiny in the here and now
Destiny can seem like a big concept, and we might wonder how it connects to the reality of day-to-day business operations. It’s helpful to look at destiny not only as an end result. It can also be considered as an ongoing conversation, delving into why you are here, what you are here to do, and […]

Feminine flare: how female energy can transform the workplace
When we talk about feminine energy in the workforce, we perk up – tired of the limitations of the patriarchy, meaning “rule of the father,” we want something different. Here, Jill Taylor talks us through the power of the ‘femina’ in business.

Stronger together: Building employee-employer bonds
Meaningful work and commercial profit can seem at odds, with corporate incentives usually winning out. However, as Daniel Goodenough explains, business needs to focus on helping employees cultivate their sense of purpose in this world Lisa Miller, professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, uses the term, dysthymia to describe what she calls “the low […]

Inspirational Woman: Jill Taylor, Co-Founder The HuPerson Project
Co-founder and CEO of three businesses, Jill Taylor has devoted her career to fostering unique methods of transformation for individuals, teams and companies. Jill co-founded The Taylor Group with her mother, Carolyn Taylor, at the forefront of wellness and leadership, helping clients understand the nature of the changes confronting them and how to become new […]

From Sustainability To An Ecology of Management
Read our co-founder Jill’s most recently published article on sustainable development in the latest issue of Steer Your Business on pages 15-16.

The New Game Called Exponential Change
The business mindset has traditionally established timeframes to monitor progress, such as quarterly reports and stock prices. And yet, we are in a time where our understanding of the world is being disrupted by quantum exponential change daily, something our minds are still catching up to. Perhaps we have the opportunity to create a new […]

From Slow to Timeless
In our fast-paced world, a number of movements support “slowing down” – from slow food and slow journalism to slow business. While these approaches are meant to help us take a break or shift out of high pressure fast paced environments that can feel unnatural and leave us feeling burned out, we offer a different […]

Scanning the Periphery with Awareness
With so much information coming at us, are we distinguishing the signals we need to help us navigate our world? In the 2005 HBR article, Scanning the Periphery, the authors suggest that we can strengthen our ability to see blind spots and ‘weak signals’ sitting just at the periphery of our vision by the shifting […]

Retention strategies: Do you really mean it?
As leaders, we hope that if we dress our mission statement up in heels and a hat that we will attract the employees we need. And keep them at that! Perhaps this strategy worked at one time or even worked for a short time. But employees now, especially after the pandemic, take a different, more […]

AMBA & BGA Podcast: Leading with Purpose with Jill Taylor
In our latest instalment of the AMBA & BGA podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking to Jill Taylor, former CEO of Burgerville, about how to lead with purpose and be a responsible leader in turbulent times.

What Exactly Is A Purposeful Company Culture And How To Develop It?
Meeting objectives of profitability and customer satisfaction rank high on a leader’s list of priorities, and yet, especially after the pandemic, a meaningful, purposeful life is increasingly a top concern to employees. The title of a post-pandemic article by McKinsey & Company says it all: “Help Your Employees Find Purpose or Watch Them Leave.”

Creating A Culture Of Courage
Daniel Goodenough on how to create a culture where people feel safe to be authentic & why that helps the bottom line

Ready-ing For The Future: Change Is Changing
Contradictory pressures, from the economy, the board, the employees exert themselves on every CEO. These pressures can seem to pull in opposite directions at times and it can be difficult to find the right response, especially for unforeseen problems. We may ask, “Why this, why now? How did I not see this coming?” Further, the […]

A New Perspective On Time
In the business world we are living in, it can seem like there is never enough time. We are 24/7 connected, spinning plates in multiple contexts. As a CEO, pressures from the Board, supply chain, customers, the market, and the need to report growth every quarter, all contribute to a sense of not having enough […]

A Business With A Conscience Or Conscious Business?
Our co-founders Jill Taylor and Daniel Goodenough had the pleasure of writing for Fast Company this month.

CEO Excellence: Building Trust
In CEO Excellence, the authors Dewar, Keller and Malhorta, who are senior partners at McKinsey & Company, tackle a complicated mandate in a thorough way. We’d like to discuss some aspects of their project here, adding our own insights as well. The book came into being because there were few resources about what a CEO […]

What’s In A Name? Why Are We The HuPerson Project?
We’d like to talk a little about the striking title we’ve chosen for our approach to doing business differently. Let’s start with “person.” Initially, the word meant to “sing through,” meaning that an actor wearing a mask could be heard on stage. This way of distinguishing the individual gradually came to mean a human being. […]

What Is Conscious Business & How Can We Cultivate It?
To have a conscience in business, and to be a conscious business leader, are seemingly similar terms. Yet are they? Somehow, we have collapsed the distinction between conscience and conscious, eclipsing an important difference. Investigating how these terms are different is crucial in developing a leader whose awareness becomes more inclusive, more flexible, and more […]

Freedom’s ROI: Uncovering The Business Advantage
Freedom in business can be a tricky concept, yet vital to success. As leaders, we have dedicated ourselves to the stewardship of our company, juggling the expectations of the board and the pressures of the economy. Tasked to manage profit, employees, the customer, and all the outside forces from unions to the UN, how can […]

A New Mindset
In our first insight piece, we featured the elusive nightingale, a rare creature of beauty, being pursued by the king’s courtiers. Unfortunately, the courtiers had no idea what the nightingale sounded like, so how could they find her? In my experience as CEO, this is familiar to me. I have seen leaders seek to position […]

Inquiry As An Antidote
What methods will make a difference? How will you get to know the potential of your business more fully? And how will that knowing help the planet? Our world is not well, and this is becoming an evermore complex problem with the speed of change only accentuating and accelerating the dilemma. Inquiry is a potential […]

Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays! Our holiday month of December includes lots of ways to celebrate and to reflect on the ways we participate in the winter season. Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, in the Jewish tradition, takes place from nightfall on Thursday, Dec. 7 to nightfall on Friday, Dec. 15. The winter solstice, which means “the […]

What’s the Role of Freedom in Business?
Freedom and business may seem like the odd couple. And yet, paradoxically, it is being free from old habits of mind and free from “business as usual” that will give leaders a new vantage point from which to direct their company. Business as usual can include not only old habits of mind, but also accustomed […]

The Top Five Trends To Watch In The Future Of Work
Exponential Acceleration of Disruption and the interconnections of those disruptions. We saw enormous disruption during the pandemic, in the way it affected not only people’s health but also their livelihoods. Schools were closed. Political polarisation became sharper. We will become more capable of handling the disruptions and addressing the links between them. Our necessary mindset […]

Can’t I Figure This Out On My Own?
It can be hard to hear the call of the future amidst the din of fads and outmoded business practices. The future is often like the elusive nightingale. According to the folk tale, a Chinese emperor is complimented on the presence of a nightingale in his court. Embarrassed because he has never heard it, he […]

Cultivating Freedom
Cultivating freedom is not the usual title of an MBA course and not top on the list of what business leaders need. As a business community, we are overlooking a valuable asset, namely freedom.