- Button Label
[button link="#" label="Button Label"]
Button with alternate class
Button Label[button link="#" label="Button Label" variant="alternate"]
For all shortcodes listed below, you can also add administrative attributes:
The above animations are for the full component. For components where you would like to target animations only for the header or image, you can adjust all of them by prepending with header or image - e.g., "header_animation", "header_animation_speed"
[button link="#" label="Button Label"]
[button link="#" label="Button Label" variant="alternate"]
[cta headline="Call To Action" content="Call To Action - here's a bunch of call to action content" button_label="Button Label" link="#" id="kivvi-cta" class="kivvi-cta-class" ]
Call To Action - here's a bunch of call to action content
[hero logo="https://thehupersonproject.com/wp-content/themes/kivvi/images/kivvi-wireframes-placeholder-image.jpeg" title="Hero Title" description="Hero Description Blah albhlhbalbh" button_label="Button Label" link="#" id="kivvi-hero" class="kivvi-hero-class" ]
[modalvideo image="https://thehupersonproject.com/wp-content/themes/kivvi/images/kivvi-wireframes-placeholder-image.jpeg" title="Modal Video" description="Modal Video Description" video_url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0" id="kivvi-modalvideo" class="kivvi-modalvideo-class" video_text="Video Text" ]
Modal Video Description
[blogroll post_type="post" ]
Effective leadership has never been more vital. The world is in trouble right now. Many of us feel we have used up the value of inherited business practices from a traditional business culture. A focus on short-term profit, including a narrow view of the role of employees, will only give us more of the same. […]
As we explored, in our insight about Intention, a meaningful intention helps ignite us and manifest the goals we most want for our business and life. So, how do we get there? Something that isn’t talked much about in our world is the value of developing skillfulness with articulating intention. We might assume we ‘should’ […]
Goals and checklists fill our lives, like motors keeping us moving forward. Where would we be without them? Disorganized, unfocused, losing momentum. In the architecture of manifesting what we most want for our business, the layer just beneath our organizational goals lives something called intention. Though they may seem like synonyms, and often are used […]
[blogroll itemheadertag="h3" post_type="post" category="Uncategorized"]
[blogroll post_type="post" category_exclude="Uncategorized"]
Effective leadership has never been more vital. The world is in trouble right now. Many of us feel we have used up the value of inherited business practices from a traditional business culture. A focus on short-term profit, including a narrow view of the role of employees, will only give us more of the same. […]
As we explored, in our insight about Intention, a meaningful intention helps ignite us and manifest the goals we most want for our business and life. So, how do we get there? Something that isn’t talked much about in our world is the value of developing skillfulness with articulating intention. We might assume we ‘should’ […]
Goals and checklists fill our lives, like motors keeping us moving forward. Where would we be without them? Disorganized, unfocused, losing momentum. In the architecture of manifesting what we most want for our business, the layer just beneath our organizational goals lives something called intention. Though they may seem like synonyms, and often are used […]
[twoup header_text="Two Up" header_body="Two Up - here's a bunch of two up content" image_url="https://thehupersonproject.com/wp-content/themes/kivvi/images/kivvi-wireframes-placeholder-image.jpeg" ]
Two Up - here's a bunch of two up content
© [currentyear]
Effective leadership has never been more vital. The world is in trouble right now. Many of us feel we have used up the value of inherited business practices from a traditional business culture. A focus on short-term profit, including a narrow view of the role of employees, will only give us more of the same. […]
As we explored, in our insight about Intention, a meaningful intention helps ignite us and manifest the goals we most want for our business and life. So, how do we get there? Something that isn’t talked much about in our world is the value of developing skillfulness with articulating intention. We might assume we ‘should’ […]
Goals and checklists fill our lives, like motors keeping us moving forward. Where would we be without them? Disorganized, unfocused, losing momentum. In the architecture of manifesting what we most want for our business, the layer just beneath our organizational goals lives something called intention. Though they may seem like synonyms, and often are used […]