


For all shortcodes listed below, you can also add administrative attributes:

See Attributes

  • class - add a class to the shortcode
  • id - add an id to the shortcode
  • animation - add an animation to the shortcode. Valid options include "slideup" and "fadein". With animations, the following options are also available as attributes:
    • animation_delay - delay (in seconds) before animation starts
    • animation_speed - length (in seconds) of animation
    • animation_opacity - starting opacity (default is 0) of item (for slideup)
    • animation_translatey - starting offset position (default is 2rem) along the Y access (for slideup)

    The above animations are for the full component. For components where you would like to target animations only for the header or image, you can adjust all of them by prepending with header or image - e.g., "header_animation", "header_animation_speed"


Call To Action

  • [cta headline="Call To Action" content="Call To Action - here's a bunch of call to action content" button_label="Button Label" link="#" id="kivvi-cta" class="kivvi-cta-class" ]

    Call To Action

    Call To Action - here's a bunch of call to action content

    Button Label


  • [hero logo="" title="Hero Title" description="Hero Description Blah albhlhbalbh" button_label="Button Label" link="#" id="kivvi-hero" class="kivvi-hero-class" ]

    Hero Title

    Hero Description Blah albhlhbalbh

    Button Label

Modal Video

  • [modalvideo image="" title="Modal Video" description="Modal Video Description" video_url="" id="kivvi-modalvideo" class="kivvi-modalvideo-class" video_text="Video Text"  ]

    Modal Video

    Modal Video Description

Post List

  • [blogroll post_type="post" ]

    From Sustainability To An Ecology of Management

    Read Jill’s most recently published article on sustainable development in the latest issue of Steer Your Business on pages 16-17.

    Read Now

    The New Game Called Exponential Change

    The business mindset has traditionally established timeframes to monitor progress, such as quarterly reports and stock prices. And yet, we are in a time where our understanding of the world is being disrupted by quantum exponential change daily, something our minds are still catching up to. Perhaps we have the opportunity to create a new […]

    Read Now

    From Slow to Timeless

    In our fast-paced world, a number of movements support “slowing down” – from slow food and slow journalism to slow business. While these approaches are meant to help us take a break or shift out of high pressure fast paced environments that can feel unnatural and leave us feeling burned out, we offer a different […]

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  • Uncategorized Post List

    [blogroll itemheadertag="h3" post_type="post" category="Uncategorized"]

    Sorry - we couldn't find anything here

  • Everything BUT Uncategorized Post List

    [blogroll post_type="post" category_exclude="Uncategorized"]

    From Sustainability To An Ecology of Management

    Read Jill’s most recently published article on sustainable development in the latest issue of Steer Your Business on pages 16-17.

    Read Now

    The New Game Called Exponential Change

    The business mindset has traditionally established timeframes to monitor progress, such as quarterly reports and stock prices. And yet, we are in a time where our understanding of the world is being disrupted by quantum exponential change daily, something our minds are still catching up to. Perhaps we have the opportunity to create a new […]

    Read Now

    From Slow to Timeless

    In our fast-paced world, a number of movements support “slowing down” – from slow food and slow journalism to slow business. While these approaches are meant to help us take a break or shift out of high pressure fast paced environments that can feel unnatural and leave us feeling burned out, we offer a different […]

    Read Now

Two Up

  • [twoup header_text="Two Up" header_body="Two Up - here's a bunch of two up content" image_url="" ]

    Two Up

    Two Up - here's a bunch of two up content


Published Work
More Relevant Reading

From Sustainability To An Ecology of Management

Read Jill’s most recently published article on sustainable development in the latest issue of Steer Your Business on pages 16-17.

Read Now

The New Game Called Exponential Change

The business mindset has traditionally established timeframes to monitor progress, such as quarterly reports and stock prices. And yet, we are in a time where our understanding of the world is being disrupted by quantum exponential change daily, something our minds are still catching up to. Perhaps we have the opportunity to create a new […]

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From Slow to Timeless

In our fast-paced world, a number of movements support “slowing down” – from slow food and slow journalism to slow business. While these approaches are meant to help us take a break or shift out of high pressure fast paced environments that can feel unnatural and leave us feeling burned out, we offer a different […]

Read Now


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