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Executive Destiny Roundtable

With all of the possible directions you could go in, how do you connect with the direction that will lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life? Join us for a complimentary session to explore the possibility of choosing your destiny.

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About this experience

We are constantly asked to stretch, whether or not we signed up for it. What we do and who we become in the moments of transition and uncertainty is our choice to make. Standing at the crossroads of ‘next’, where do we look for the answers we seek?

Finding next has a lot to do with the way we ask the question. Our minds will have scores of answers for us based on past results in our business. Yet, how do we connect to what most uniquely and deeply points us in a direction we were made for? And what awareness will we need to be able to sense and articulate that for ourselves and our company?

Why we are here, what we are here to do and who we are here to become is a conversation we can learn to have with the wiser, more intentional places inside. To give you a taste of this conversation, we are offering a Choosing Destiny Roundtable, an experience of our unique, scalable inquiry process, hosted by Jill Taylor and Daniel Goodenough. Begin to uncover your particular sense of destiny, and why that might be important for your business and our times.

"There is a destiny beckoning to be lived, and no one else can live it in our stead."

David Whyte from The Heart Aroused

Commonly Asked Questions

What’s included when you register

An 45-minute session with the co-founders of The HuPerson Project, Jill Taylor and Daniel Goodenough, who have coached and mentored many leaders to extraordinary results, both personally and professionally. The session is our gift to you.  It’s a way of getting to know each other and offering you something of high value which is immediately applicable.

Who is the leadership experience for?

Leaders who are ready to explore the why that leads to the next in the call of our times through an experience of our distinctive process.

Who is leading this experience

Daniel Goodenough & Jill Taylor, co-founders of The HuPerson Project, have developed processes, practices, and a proprietary framework over 30 years. This work has been prototyped and well-honed with leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, and companies.

What people are saying

This reflective process gave me access to a much deeper view of what was most important in my life. – Eroca Lowe, Founder of Accelerated Outcomes


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