Experience awake aware design May 2-3, 2025

Introduction to Executive Design

Explore leading from a place of awake aware wisdom and participate in an inquiry that will uplevel your ability to co-create with your team, life and the future that wants to happen.

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About this experience

The current ‘operating system’ in our culture wasn’t designed to address the metacrisis we are facing now. Intro to Executive Design introduces you to a new kind of operating system that is based on the interweaving of awareness, life mission, and intention, upleveling your skills to co-create with your team, life and the future that wants to happen.


We tend to overwork our minds to try to solve for complexity. When we become skillful with awareness, we are present to a vaster landscape of possibility truly outside of the solutions of the past.

Life Mission

Life mission is a living, breathing, unfolding blueprint that can help us pivot while staying consistent with our deepest why. Rather than a one-and-done defined purpose, it’s an ongoing conversation that will uplevel every area of your life. Developing skill with life mission helps clarify questions such as, “what is mine to do in this situation” and “how can I be in this company, on this team, and stay connected to what has meaning to me?”


How many of us have good intentions that have been dropped, for a dozen reasons? A cornerstone of The HuPerson offer is being skillful with intention. Our culture tends to view intention, similar to goal, as a statement, i.e. “my intention is to be a successful leader.” What does that really mean? By working with intention itself, we come to know how we come to what has meaning. From here, our internal maps begin to open in new and surprising ways, making way for creative, innovative approaches.

When we are present to awareness, life mission and intention, a new sense of knowing develops leading to more capacity to be with the present and see a way through challenges.

You are invited to join us on this two-day journey that is both a taste of our deeper work, and a full immersion into a new way of doing business designed for our times.

"The real battle in the world today is not among civilizations or cultures, but among different evolutionary futures that are possible for us and our species right now. What is at stake is nothing less than the choice of who we are, who we want to be, and where we take the world we live in. The real question then, is "What are we here for?""

Otto Scharmer
Presencing Institute

Commonly Asked Questions

Who is this experience for?

Leaders who are ready to meet the challenges of our time, from an entirely different place. A place just beyond good/bad, right/wrong, correct/incorrect to address our challenges, accessing an unprecedented level of awake aware wisdom.

Who is leading this experience?

Daniel Goodenough and Jill Taylor, co-founders of the HuPerson Project.

Why this experience, why now?

Life is ready-ing us to take a leap in our collective & individual evolution, as we now we face wicked and insidious challenges. Leading from a different place, from awake aware wisdom, is important to our success in navigating both growth and challenges. Awake aware wisdom is the same state we’re touching into when we have an epiphany. A eureka moment. We need legendary leaders in the world, leading from a place of epiphany to access what’s moving through and wants to happen, in new ways.


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