In The Press

The Top Five Trends To Watch In The Future Of Work

Exponential Acceleration of Disruption and the interconnections of those disruptions. We saw enormous disruption during the pandemic, in the way it affected not only people’s health but also their livelihoods. Schools were closed. Political polarisation became sharper. We will become more capable of handling the disruptions and addressing the links between them. Our necessary mindset is that we live in a holistic, interconnected world.

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From Sustainability To An Ecology of Management

Read Jill’s most recently published article on sustainable development in the latest issue of Steer Your Business on pages 16-17.

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The New Game Called Exponential Change

The business mindset has traditionally established timeframes to monitor progress, such as quarterly reports and stock prices. And yet, we are in a time where our understanding of the world is being disrupted by quantum exponential change daily, something our minds are still catching up to. Perhaps we have the opportunity to create a new […]

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From Slow to Timeless

In our fast-paced world, a number of movements support “slowing down” – from slow food and slow journalism to slow business. While these approaches are meant to help us take a break or shift out of high pressure fast paced environments that can feel unnatural and leave us feeling burned out, we offer a different […]

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