


For all shortcodes listed below, you can also add administrative attributes:

See Attributes

  • class - add a class to the shortcode
  • id - add an id to the shortcode
  • animation - add an animation to the shortcode. Valid options include "slideup" and "fadein". With animations, the following options are also available as attributes:
    • animation_delay - delay (in seconds) before animation starts
    • animation_speed - length (in seconds) of animation
    • animation_opacity - starting opacity (default is 0) of item (for slideup)
    • animation_translatey - starting offset position (default is 2rem) along the Y access (for slideup)

    The above animations are for the full component. For components where you would like to target animations only for the header or image, you can adjust all of them by prepending with header or image - e.g., "header_animation", "header_animation_speed"


Call To Action

  • [cta headline="Call To Action" content="Call To Action - here's a bunch of call to action content" button_label="Button Label" link="#" id="kivvi-cta" class="kivvi-cta-class" ]

    Call To Action

    Call To Action - here's a bunch of call to action content

    Button Label


  • [hero logo="" title="Hero Title" description="Hero Description Blah albhlhbalbh" button_label="Button Label" link="#" id="kivvi-hero" class="kivvi-hero-class" ]

    Hero Title

    Hero Description Blah albhlhbalbh

    Button Label

Modal Video

  • [modalvideo image="" title="Modal Video" description="Modal Video Description" video_url="" id="kivvi-modalvideo" class="kivvi-modalvideo-class" video_text="Video Text"  ]

    Modal Video

    Modal Video Description

Post List

  • [blogroll post_type="post" ]

    Destiny in the here and now

    Destiny can seem like a big concept, and we might wonder how it connects to the reality of day-to-day business operations. It’s helpful to look at destiny not only as an end result. It can also be considered as an ongoing conversation, delving into why you are here, what you are here to do, and […]

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    Feminine flare: how female energy can transform the workplace

    When we talk about feminine energy in the workforce, we perk up – tired of the limitations of the patriarchy, meaning “rule of the father,” we want something different. Here, Jill Taylor talks us through the power of the ‘femina’ in business.

    Read Now

    Stronger together: Building employee-employer bonds

    Meaningful work and commercial profit can seem at odds, with corporate incentives usually winning out. However, as Daniel Goodenough explains, business needs to focus on helping employees cultivate their sense of purpose in this world Lisa Miller, professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, uses the term, dysthymia to describe what she calls “the low […]

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    Sorry - we couldn't find anything here

  • Everything BUT Uncategorized Post List

    [blogroll post_type="post" category_exclude="Uncategorized"]

    Destiny in the here and now

    Destiny can seem like a big concept, and we might wonder how it connects to the reality of day-to-day business operations. It’s helpful to look at destiny not only as an end result. It can also be considered as an ongoing conversation, delving into why you are here, what you are here to do, and […]

    Read Now

    Feminine flare: how female energy can transform the workplace

    When we talk about feminine energy in the workforce, we perk up – tired of the limitations of the patriarchy, meaning “rule of the father,” we want something different. Here, Jill Taylor talks us through the power of the ‘femina’ in business.

    Read Now

    Stronger together: Building employee-employer bonds

    Meaningful work and commercial profit can seem at odds, with corporate incentives usually winning out. However, as Daniel Goodenough explains, business needs to focus on helping employees cultivate their sense of purpose in this world Lisa Miller, professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, uses the term, dysthymia to describe what she calls “the low […]

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Two Up

  • [twoup header_text="Two Up" header_body="Two Up - here's a bunch of two up content" image_url="" ]

    Two Up

    Two Up - here's a bunch of two up content


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Destiny in the here and now

Destiny can seem like a big concept, and we might wonder how it connects to the reality of day-to-day business operations. It’s helpful to look at destiny not only as an end result. It can also be considered as an ongoing conversation, delving into why you are here, what you are here to do, and […]

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Feminine flare: how female energy can transform the workplace

When we talk about feminine energy in the workforce, we perk up – tired of the limitations of the patriarchy, meaning “rule of the father,” we want something different. Here, Jill Taylor talks us through the power of the ‘femina’ in business.

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Stronger together: Building employee-employer bonds

Meaningful work and commercial profit can seem at odds, with corporate incentives usually winning out. However, as Daniel Goodenough explains, business needs to focus on helping employees cultivate their sense of purpose in this world Lisa Miller, professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University, uses the term, dysthymia to describe what she calls “the low […]

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